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The official guide to living, working, visiting and investing in the Texas

Let’s explore local services,
programs & initiatives.

Meet Ideological leader for
youth generation

Mayor Carnee Simmons is committed to solving problems for town people across the state under her leadership.

Expanding access to affordable healthcare, improving skills, respecting working families as the City’s 45th mayor. Mayor Carnee was won in the serve a sixth term on Octorber 7, 2018.

“Stand at the top of a cliff and jump off and build your wings on the way down.”

– Carnee Simmons, Mayor

Video Intro
About Our Municipal

0 K
Total People lived
in our city
0 K
Square kilometres
region covers
0 %
Private & domestic
garden land
0 th
Average Costs of Home

Meet City Council

The city council have the real super powers as administraion to lead country.


Pro Loco del Comune di Motta San Giovanni

Orario Apertura Museo Archeologico Leucopetra:
Da Lunedì a Domenica:
09:00 – 12:00 / 15:30 – 18:30



INDIRIZZO: Via Maurizio Gucci, 7 c/o Centro Sociale “P. Capua” Lazzaro

SEDE OPERATIVA: Museo Civico “Antiquarium Leucopetra” – Corso Italia, 34 Lazzaro

TELEFONO: 0965 1875693
                      0965 712518     

MAIL: info@prolococomunemottasg.it

PEC: prolocodelcomunedimottasangiovanni@pec.it

IBAN: IT 70 Y 03069 09606 100000139713 
Banca Intesa San Paolo

© 2021 Pro Loco del Comune di Motta San Giovanni - APS | C.F. 92004290802 | P.IVA 02737670808 | Powered by Simone Irto in collaborazione con i Volontari del SCU 2021-2022 - Gestito dagli Operatori Volontari del Servizio Civile Universale